Special Offers!

Trial Offer for New Clients,

Birthday Month Discounts,

Referral Discounts,

Same Week Openings.

The special offers on this page cannot be combined.

New Clients-My Signature Massage:

In order to experience the full range of benefits, a special trial offer is available on up to 3 massages! Pay as you go.

60 minutes: $70 ea (normally $90).

75 minutes: $88 ea (normally $113).

90 minutes: $105 ea (normally $135).

120 minutes $140 ea (normally $180).

Birthday Month Discounts

Upon Request:

 Save $15 on the FULL PRICE or on any upgrade (must be scheduled during your birthday month). Please schedule in advance. Reminders are no longer given.

Referral Discounts:

Save $20 on each new client you send my way (once they are seen for the first time).

  • New clients must reside locally at least half of the year to qualify for the discount.
  • If you purchase a gift certificate for a new client, the $20 referral discount will apply if they return for future sessions.


Same Week Openings:

Choose anything open on my calendar for the CURRENT WEEK: Sunday - Thursday & Saturday's when available.

Cannot replace routine, preset/standing appointments, or prepaid packages/gift certificates.

First Come/First Served, and prices vary.